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Introducing entity to entity linking

Posted by Marshall Parr on February 27, 2020 at 3:14 PM

So it’s already possible to link items together within and across digital collections with the use of entities, such as pages and photographs, and this has proved very popular, but what if you could link entities to other entities? Well, for the first time, you can!

You may be using entities in many different ways; people, locations, physical objects or much more, but these can now all be linked and associated with each other - interconnecting your digital collections even further. For example, you may want to link someone to a location or a location with an event, opening your digital collections even wider. The possibilities are endless!

Entity to entity linking is available now in the admin area and to display this functionality on your website please get in touch. You can also view a help guide for entity to entity linking here.

We hope you love this new feature as much as we do!