About World Digital Preservation Day We have decided to celebrate World Digital Preservation Day…
The library as classroom: using Special Collections as teaching material – If you could not attend this amazing conference then read on.
For those who are planning a digitisation project to ensure their material complies with copyright and data protection policies.
Digital preservation market-leaders Preservica and TownsWeb Archiving, digitisation and archiving specialist, have announced their new partnership.
Digital preservation market-leaders Preservica and TownsWeb Archiving, digitisation and archiving specialist, have announced their new partnership.
This morning we announced the winners of our third annual TWA Digitisation Grant, offering up to £5000 in funding!
Yesterday was the final day for UK cultural heritage institutions to apply for the TWA Digitisation Grant, applications are now officially closed.
Last month I partnered with TownsWeb Archiving to offer free copyright surgery sessions on their stand at the Museums + Heritage Show 2018.
For any good project, the key to success lies in the planning and preparation, today I’d like to share with you a few points for consideration.
The TWA Digitisation Grant has returned for its third year and is now open for applications from UK archives, museums and libraries.
We are excited to announce that we have joined the Digital Preservation Coalition as the latest member of its Commercial Supporter programme.
During 2017 we published over 20 articles, including more expert guest blogs than ever before. Come and take a look at our most popular posts.